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10 Business Tips From Designer Bill Drenttel
Esteemed designer Bill Drenttel recently passed away, and Michael Beirut shared this text from a 1991 presentation in a post on Design Observer.
You, Me, and Data Backup
A couple of weeks ago the hard drive in my computer completely died and it wasn’t really a big deal. Here’s the short story and how it can help you.
Engaged Feedback Checklist
Turn your collaborativity up to 11 with these helpful tips from Brené Brown.
Easing into a Responsive Design Workflow
You’ve probably heard about Responsive Design*, but maybe you don’t know how to start designing for it, or maybe it seems like too much work. Here is a baby-step that will get you going in the right direction.
Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
What better time than the holiday season to ponder your own inevitable demise? Ho ho ho!
Responsive Design: Stop Designing Print for the Web
Are you still designing websites like they’re static print pieces? It could be so much better...
The Parable of the Mexican Fisherman
This is a favorite “teaching story.” I hope it resonates with you as well.
The War of Art: Beat Resistance and be a Pro
As a creative professional and liver of life, absorbing The War of Art was a transformative experience for me. I highly recommend you check it out.
OMG I Have a Theme Song!
Not a song that already existed that I adopted. My very own custom theme song.
Email tips and tricks
Simply some email tips I’ve picked up that you may find helpful.