All lives can’t matter until black lives matter. (2025)

Blog: Website Design & Development

Launch it before you’re ready

Why I often urge client-collaborators to let go and open up to the magic of launching their website early. Applicable to other situations as well!

How to take your own “professional” portrait

Every marketing website should have quality photographs of the people involved. Nay, not just photos... Portraits! You may not have the resources to hire a professional portraitist, so here are some tips to do it yourself.

Rock balancing and the art of presentation

Years ago I became interested in stacking rocks, like you see in motivational posters that say “BALANCE”. An idea came to me: what if I took found "normal" rock stacks and, using the same rocks, tried to create balances that are more dramatic?

The Hourly Billing Renaissance

Maybe hourly billing isn’t the bugaboo I’ve been led to believe. In fact, maybe it’s EXACTLY what I need to have my dream professional life, and maybe it’s actually better for my clients, too.

Essential Website Project Starter Questions

Let’s say someone asks you to build them a website (or you want to build one yourself). Here are some questions that can help you figure out what they (or you) really want and need.

Web process: Rapid Launch and Iteration

Website projects of many different shapes and sizes can often benefit greatly from a “ready, fire, aim” approach of rapid launch and iteration rather than a traditional print-based process.

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